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Wednesday, December 17, 2008

How One Sign Company Stays at the Top...

On December 9th I included information pertaining to which is mainly an internet based sign business with occasional walk in customers. Recently they have added a sign editor to their site allowing new and existing customers to create and view their sign content before ever submitting an order. There have been many changes implemented over the past year as they believe in offering the best quality at the lowest price. In an effort to maintain quality standards for their customers, they have become one of the top sign companies on the internet.

Jon Holmquist, the owner, is proud of this accomplishment... and well he should be! For the most part, Jon relies on repeat business and word of mouth rightly believing that customer satisfaction speaks louder than anything else. No mass marketing strategies there! And though some would think this detrimental to continued success in an economy that seems to be sliding downhill, the company is rolling along as strong as ever. When asked how he has managed to keep his company among the top sign suppliers, Jon had this to say:

"Obviously we attract a certain customer... that's right - cheap. They want what they need at the lowest price they can get it for. They spend a lot of time comparing prices before buying. We've noticed a trend of even more customers asking for a better price, or new customers just "shopping around". This was validated by our online statistics which told us three things: more visitors, lower conversion rates and lower average orders. This all started in November 2007 and in an effort to adapt or respond, we decided to rethink our pricing. First, we hired an accounting firm (VCFO) to review our books (my wife was our bookkeeper and we weren't ready for a full time controller). After a lot of help we were finally able to see exactly what our costs were. We were surprised to find that we were losing money on small orders and possibly overcharging on large volume orders. So, we adjusted. We tweaked what needed tweaked, lowered prices, implemented cost saving strategies, and really listened to what our customers had to say. We were always aware of the feedback we received (and grateful for it) and we did our best to maintain positive feedback... but when we started to implement more ways to help the customers get what they wanted, exactly as they wanted it (like the design tool we now use), and at a price too good to beat, customer satisfaction went through the roof. The key to success lies in the customers hands. They can make you or they can break you... that is the plain and unvarnished truth in any industry. And when you are willing to listen... really listen... to what the customers are saying and adjust to their needs, the impact is astounding."

To this bloggers mind, that is probably the best advice any company can receive. Regardless of your marketing strategy, it is imperative to be receptive to the wants and needs of your customers... but always make sure you take the active role as well. Just being receptive won't keep you at the top; you have to be willing to go the extra mile and give the customers what they want.

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