Tagged by Warren Whitlock: http://twitterhandbook.com/blog/
Okay... so here's the rules:
- Link your original tagger. (Check)
- List these rules on your blog. (check)
- Share 7 facts about yourself in the post - some random, some weird. (Check)
- Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names and the links to their blogs. (check)
- Let them know they’ve been tagged by leaving a comment on their blogs and/or Twitter. (check)
Now that I'm it, I suppose it's time for the random facts!
1. My mother named me Gwendolyn Dawn just so she could call me Wendy. Everyone knows its Wendy... :-)
2. I have 4 birds and they have this annoying habit of chatting while I'm trying to watch TV. All other times they're as quiet as mice. I think they just love the TV. Then again, they may be trying to intimidate the TV. Who knows?
3. I have lived in approximately 43 states. At this point, moving anywhere is a thought that causes me to shiver in fear.
4. My fingers are double jointed. I can twist them, pull them all the way to the back of my hand, and touch my nose while sticking out my tongue. Oh, wait... that didn't really apply did it?
5. Disney movies make me cry. What a sap, right? In my defense all I can say is they are really touching most of the time! Does that qualify as a good excuse?
6. I love Twitter! It rocks! I suppose that makes me a twitterholic, but I can think of worse things to be addicted to.
7. I attend school 3/4 time, work full time, and tread the path of the single parent. I can whip up mac-n-cheese in 7 minutes flat! Clean the house in a single bound! And finish my homework at the speed of light! Okay... speed of light might be stretching it a bit... but not by much :-)
And now the real fun begins! I get to tag 7 people who are, as of yet, unaware that I am on the prowl *rubbing hands together and smiling slyly*
And the nominees are (drum roll please!):
Venture Level: This is a great blog by Romil Patel! He covers a wealth of information for Advertising, Entrepreneurial Connections, Marketing, Presentations, and Promotions.
The Marketing Spot : This is a great blog for small business marketing ideas and advice by Jay Ehret (and guest bloggers). Every small business owner can benefit from this blog!
Jim Kukral: Jim is a veteran online marketer, web-entrepreneur, speaker and award-winning blogger who focuses on creative marketing ideas and strategies.
Chris Brogan: Chris Brogan has been blogging for several years. His blog is full of information pertaining to all aspects of business, blogging, and social networking.
What Works for Business: Daniel Kehrer shares his view of several different aspects of business including Marketing solutions, retail, and so mush more. I highly recommend this blog!
Click to Client: All I can say is wow! This blog is a terrific place to gain information on social networking and what it can do for you. It also humbly reminds us that social networking cannot succeed unless we are committed to it!
The Franchise King: Joel Libava has been termed the franchise king. And thought his is a name that portends huge responsibility, he takes it well. Joel enjoys the chance to help others realize the dream of being a business owner.
Now I am off to let them all know they have been tagged and are now "it"!
Update: All the wonderful bloggers on my list have now been tagged via blog!
Thanks for playing blog tag and I look forward to seeing you again!