Hello my fellow readers and bloggers. I do not generally delve into politics as I really don't have anything nice to say. However, as many of you know, there were 'Tea Parties' staged all over the nation last week and I have been wandering the net to see what most people were protesting.
As in the original Boston Tea Party, it appears that many of the protesters had a few things to say about the state of our financial crisis and the resulting tax increases... as well as the "loans" or bailouts that are meant to save some companies from bankruptcy. There are many who theorize that this event will lead to a growing spiral that might (
just might) make congress open their eyes and really look at what the constitution has to say about our rights... and the fact that, right now, some of those rights are being casually stepped on. Then, of course, you have those who believe this 'Tea Party' was nothing more than an anti Obama rally and resulting anger will quickly dissipate and be a thing of the past. No matter which direction you see it from, the truth is that this money is coming out of our pockets. And while I can understand coming together to "bail out" the great U.S. of A, it wasn't the American public that buried us all in debt. Simply my opinion and I'll leave it there.
Getting back to the staged 'Tea Parties'-
As I wandered the wonderful world of internet pages and news, I saw many pictures and articles pertaining to events in different states and the resulting protest signs. Some were, quite frankly, lewd, while others... well... those I'll allow to speak for themselves...

Ahhhhh.... freedom of speech and from the mouths of babes! As much as I enjoyed the numerous signs floating around on the net for this mass protest, I have to say that these were ultimately my favorite. They protest the points simply, through innocent faces, and have more of an impact than all of the lewd signs I have run across. In my humble opinion, the first little girl and her sign make the loudest statement :-)
Gwynn~ Images taken from the Huffington Post